Wednesday 15 October 2014

Vienna Photo Diary

The advantage of living in Europe is that it is so easy to hop on a train and be in a different country within a matter of hours. Big difference from living in New Zealand and having to sit on a plane for a minimum of 3 hours just to get to Australia. I once read somewhere that the distance between Auckland and Sydney is around the same as London to Moscow.

Last week, my S.O. and I went to Vienna for 3 days. It was definitely a lot more touristy and international than Munich, and more expensive. I'm a bit of a bargain hunter and I always compare prices of similar products when I go to a new country. Austria has a lot of the same brands and products as Germany, and it was surprising to see some personal care products of the same brand being sold for almost double the price in Vienna. Definitely makes me grateful for the prices I pay in Munich though, haha.

As I mentioned before, Vienna is quite touristy. Horse-drawn carriage rides seem to be a popular tourist attraction; there were a line of horses and carriages, standing and waiting for their next customers in the city centre near St Stephen's cathedral. Every few metres you'll walk past a tourist asking for directions, and on every other street you'll see tourists sitting on a horse-drawn carriage.

I'm so glad we came in autumn. Just look at all those leaves!

We found a cafe in Vienna that serves flat whites! Looks a lot different to what you get in NZ though, but delicious nonetheless :)

I will never get sick of cute European buildings :)

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